Thursday, February 21, 2013

My City's Blog


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The suburban city of South Gate established in 1923, sometimes referred to by it's residents as, "The Gate", is located in the outskirts of Los Angeles. Although this city may not be the most popular or decorated city, it still has an interesting history and is currently home for some 95,000 resident (Quickfacts). South Gate is presently a middle-class town with a majority of  a Hispanic population, but it was one amongst the nation's top cities. In 1990, South Gate was one of ten cities in the U.S who were awarded the All-America city award by the National Civic League (LA Times).

The South Gate community is really one of a kind. It may not have any major attractions or landmarks, but the city still has much to offer. The cities intricate culture really makes it one of a kind.
I have lived in South Gate my entire life, and if I was to be able to go back in time, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. The people of of the city and the friendly environment really makes this a great place to be.
I am excited to have the opportunity to share more about this wonderful city as we progress throughout the semester.

                                                                (photo credit to www.palapakings.comimagestown_center.jpg)

Environmental Setting


South Gate occupies an area of 7.37 square miles and is only 111 feet above sea-level ( The city  is located just seven miles southeast of Downtown Los Angeles and is accessible to many different parts of Los Angeles and Southern California. It may not be "The Place" in LA, but it is conveniently located nearby great places to visit. Just about any great place in Los Angeles worth visiting is within a half hour drive from South Gate. If you feel like heading to the beach on a hot summer day, you have your choice  of beaches consist of Dockweiler beach, Santa Monica Beach, Seal Beach, Marina Del Rey, and Venice Beach to choose from among others; all of which are within a short 30 minute drive away. If you want to head to a Laker game, hang out at LA Live, or if you want to visit the world-famous, Universal Studios Hollywood, well all of those places are also a short drive away.


 Being that South Gate is within the city of Los Angeles, one can presume what the weather is like in the city.
The city experiences subtropical like weather ranging from hot and dry summers to mild winters. I honestly believe that one of the greatest perks about living in Los Angeles is the weather. Although summers can be dreadful with temperatures at times surpassing 100 degrees Fahrenheit  the mild winter temperatures make up for it. I think we are spoiled by the winter temperatures we have in the city. When temperatures drop to about 50 degrees, we begin to shiver and put on our Eskimo outfits. In other places in  the U.S, the temperatures that we find freezing would be considered warm. Nevertheless, the cities temperature is pretty steady with temperatures usually ranging some in between 60 degrees and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Since the city does not experience extreme winter temperatures, one can easily assume that snow fall is not a frequent occurrence. Although snow fall is EXTREMELY rare in South Gate, we do have our share of precipitation. Usually rain fall starts in the beginning of the fall season and increases in rate as the winter comes before gradually declining as summer approaches.

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Agriculture and Wildlife
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As hard as it may be for its residents to believe, South Gate was once nothing but farm land as far as the eye can see. Up until the the early 1900's, Rancho San Antonio (now South Gate) was filled with numerous grazing livestock (cattle, sheep, horses), large fields of fruit orchards, cauliflower, bets, barley,beans, along with cheese and butter producing dairy farms. By around the early 1920's the city began to shift into a more industrial community. As families began to move in, employment near homes became essential, leading to the construction of factories and businesses. I will go more into detail about the cultural transformation of the city in our next section.

Environmental Hazards

Due to the city being located in sunny southern California, one of the most common in the environmental hazards in the area wild fires. In late August of 2009, the region just north of Los Angeles experienced, "The Region Fire", which was one the largest and most deadliest wildfires in the history of Los Angeles; burning over 144,000 acres and killing two firefighters. (  

Along with wildfires, being that the city is located within the San Andreas fault, the city also hosts as a threat to earthquakes. According to, "South Gate-area historical earthquake activity is above California state average. It is 2849% greater than the overall U.S average" ( One of the most notable and recent earthquakes occurred on December 2012. The 6.4 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Baja California coast that was felt throughout all of Los Angeles. (  one of the most notable and popular earthquakes that occurred near the Los Angeles area was the famous 1924 Northridge Earthquake.
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Historical Settlement

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The city of South Gate really does have a unique and interesting history. In the early 1800's, Francisco Lugo, a Spanish military corporal for the king of Spain was a symbol among the first Spaniards who settled in the region. In the year 1810, as a appreciation for the services of his father, Don Antonio Maria Lugo, the son of Francisco Lugo, was granted over 10 square leagues of land by the king of Spain. This extensive domain came to be known as the "Ranch San Antonio" land grant.

About 100 years following the Lugo Land grant, the area located at the south gate portion of the ranch came to be the City of South Gate. As the Lugo family began to grow, Don Lugo acquired the San Bernardino Rancho along with other regions and grants in the name of his children.

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Soon after, Don Lugo went on to become the Alcalde (Mayor) of Los Angeles throughout different times in his life. The city at the time, was filled with the herding of livestock and strong agricultural farmland throughout the area. Don Lugo would oftentimes have to come between people and families to settle disputes regarding the ownership of cattle and horses; in addition to settling agricultural altercations.
The Lugo Land Grant kept within the family as it was passed down from generation to generation. Division of the Grant within the family lead to parts of the grant being sold to people outside of the family.

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By the 1870's most the original Lugo land was replaced with by 40 acre regions. Soon after, agriculture was replaced by cattle-raising as the city's most dominant industry by 1880. In the 1920's, as more people began to settle into the land, a baby boom took place. Within the next fifty year, the city experienced a cultural transformation. In order to benefit the families now living in the city, the sub-urbanized construction of homes and factories, schools, and businesses replaced most of the agricultural land. South Gate was to become an industrialized and residential family community for years to come. (

Political Economy

As mentioned earlier, South Gate's earliest settler relied and raising livestock and agriculture to get by. However, as the city grew to become more populated, it had to embrace a new industrial culture. With the elimination of farming land, the construction of houses made it necessary for the establishment of industries and businesses relatively close to home. 

Throughout the years, "Tweedy" has grown to become the city's most meaningful name. R.D Tweedy along with his family, have played a significant role in the development of South Gate's history throughout the years. Mr. Tweedy was born in Illinois in the year 1812, before moving the Southern California 40 years later. For generations, the large Tweedy family lived withing the city. Throughout that time, they acquired roughly 2,000 acres of land in which most of South Gate was built on. When South Gate began to industrialize, the downtown business sector of the city was named after the family. As the years progressed, the families name is still carried on, as the area has come to be known as the "Tweedy Mile".

Economic Sectors:

Due to the city's cultural transformation, the regions economy has virtually eliminated the need for a Primary economic sector. Little to no people in the city grow their own food and through industrialization, most of the city's raw materials have been abolished. 

The Secondary sector play more of a role in the city's economy. Although some 90 years ago, the cities industrial movement was intended to provide factory jobs the cities residents, today that isn't the case. With the invention and popularity of the automobile, residents began to find employment outside the city. Today, according to, the population's average travel time to work is roughly about a thirty-minute drive. Although most people drive out of town for work,some of the cities residents stay within the city on their work days. Several shipping and manufacturing factories are located in the outskirts of the town, providing employment for some residents. 

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The Tertiary sector probably provides the most significant role in South Gate's political economy. Most of the business in the Tweedy Mile consists of small, private, family-owned businesses. Along with small mom and pop shops, popular shopping markets and commercially franchised businesses are also located throughout the city. Aside from the Tweedy Mile, Firestone Blvd, is also a profitable market. As you travel down Firestone Blvd, you will see car dealerships and mechanic shops in every couple of blocks. Multiiple private medical and dental facilities are also scattered throughout the city. For the most part, you can find just about any one of your essential needs within the city. 
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The Quaternary sector also exists within South Gate. Although he city is not home to massive corporations or research facilities, the cities does contain nearly twenty schools in it's boundaries. Fourteen elementary schools, two middles schools, and three regional high schools make up the educational portion of the cities Quaternary sector.

The Atlantic Periphery

The historic region known as the Atlantic periphery was the first North American region that was explored and settled by Europeans. Much Atalantic Periphery is also part of the Appalachian Mountain ranges which contributes to the beauty of the regions pure and natural countryside scenery. This region consists of the Canadian provinces of Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, and New Brunswick. In addition to the Canadian provinces, the U.S part of the Atlantic periphery includes most of Maine and New Hampshire, Vermont, and the north-eastern portion of New York (The Geography of North America).

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While the Atlantic Periphery lies on the North Easter coast of the U.S, South Gate is located in sunny Southern California. The climate experienced in the Atlantic Periphery region demonstrates its harsh north eastern geographic location. The weather varies from cool and mild temperatures in the summer and cold, snowy winters. Rain fall in the region stays consistent throughout the year and snow fall blankets over several parts of the area in the winter. As a result, heavy snowfall conditions in winter can sometimes lead to blizzards. During late summer and early fall, heavy storms pose a threat to hurricanes in the region. In the South Gate, it is considerably warm year-round. Rain-fall conditions are not consistent throughout the year, and snow fall is extremely rare. 

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Before being taken over by European settlers, the region of what is now the Atlantic Periphery was home to Indigenous Native Americans who heavily relied on the hunting and fishing for their survival. Once Europeans conquered the land, they made use of the numerous lakes, ponds, and accessibility to the ocean and made fishing their primary industry. Because of the lands rocky soil, large forests, and cool year-round climates, agriculture in the area was virtually impossible causing the Atlantic Periphery to rely heavily on the success of neighboring regions. Like most parts of the U.S, one can imagine that South Gate was once inhabited by natives before subsequently being taken over by European settlers. However, the land in the South Gate was rich with healthy soil and was able to maintain a large and healthy harvest. That is, until the city became industrialized. Now, like the Atlantic Periphery, South Gate has become a peripheral area. It is no longer an entirely self-sustaining community. Since the people in the city no longer harvest their own food, the community heavily relies on imported foods from outside neighboring areas in order to survive. 


In 1961, French geographer Jean Gottman created the term "Megalopolis", referring to the vastly populated area in the northeastern portion of the United Sates. The five major urban cities that Megalopolis is comprised of include Washington D.C, Philadelphia, Baltimore, New York, and Boston. Although the Megalopolis region is the most densely populated areas in all of North America, it is classified by its unique cultural diversity.

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Although South Gate, may not be the largest or most populated city in it's region, it is still significantly large. The city has a population density of 12,827 per square mile ( Unlike Megalopolis  South Gate is not really culturally diverse today, although it once was. In its early years, South Gates inhabitants consisted of mostly white families, however, as Hispanics began to come in, whites started to head out. Today, nearly ninety-five percent of South Gates residents are Hispanic.

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Megalopolis usually experiences moderate climate, with rain fall occurring throughout the year. However, the climate in the region varies depending on ones location for example, the southern portion of the region experiences semi-tropical weather with hot, damp summers and mild winters. Meanwhile on the northern side of Megalopolis, an more inland, longer and colder winters along with shorter and cooler summers are experienced.
South Gate and Megalopolis do have similar characteristics regarding climate. Both regions experience sub-tropical climates year-round.

Credit to (The Geography of North America)
Before the American Revolution, Megalopolis was the core of area of British North America. Containing the colonies most largest and diverse populations. Megalopolis also contained a vastly rich agricultural lands and industrial materials.After the Revolutionary war, Megalopolis became the richest area in the country with an ample amount of labor supply. Post-World War II, as more technological advances came about, industrial labor in Megalopolis began to decline. Companies began to relocate to the West and South in search for cheaper labor. However, the region did not suffer as it moved to a more sophisticated, post-industrial culture. By the 1980's, Megalopolis emerged with California as the nations leaders in high-tech industries, such as medical research, entertainment, communications, and publishing, among other services. 
(The Geography of North America

Regarding industry and agriculture, South Gate and Megalopolis share some characteristics. At some point in its history, South Gate one had rich agriculture like Megalopolis. Also when South Gate experienced success when it first began to industrialize. Furthermore, being that South Gate is within the Los Angeles area, the city is accessible to the services that post-industrial industries have to offer. 

Great Lakes and Corn Belt 

The Great Lakes and Corn Belt region located in the Midwest portion of the United states, and is so called the "Heartland" of North America with the perception that true American values lie within the area.The Great Lakes and Corn Belt region of U.S circles the states of  Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan,Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, as well as small portions of neighboring states. (The Geography of North America).  
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Agriculture has been an essential economic industry in this region. As given in its name, one of the most grown crops in the Corn Belt is corn, along with soybeans and the herding of livestock such as hogs and cattle.  

As previously mentioned, South Gate was once an agricultural area. Various crops were grown throughout the land; along with the herding of livestock. Agriculture is no longer a substantial part of the community as most of the food is brought in from elsewhere. 

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The abundant supply of natural resources in the land also makes in a grand manufacturing region. The close distance to natural resources and transportation systems has contributed to the growth of the Corn Belts manufacturing industry. Cities in the region would often time be referred to as or even identify themselves with their particular manufacturing industry. For example, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania is often times referred to as "Steel Town" for its steel manufacturing. Detroit is also known as , "The Motor City"  for its popular automobile manufacturing. 

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he inAfter its agricultural phase, South Gate shifted to a more industrialized city, providing jobs for some of the cities earliest migrants. Like Detroit, South Gate also had a automobile producing industry, although it wasn't as big as Detroit's automobile manufacturing. On the outskirts of the city, General Motors opened up an automobile plant in the year 1934. The plant remained opened for the next fifty years providing employment and distributing automobiles for specific regions before eventually being closed down in the 1980's.  Over twenty years after the closing of the General Motors, the construction of the cities second high school took place over the former company.   

The Inland South 

Credit to (The Geography of North America)
The Inland South is an area located approximately fifty miles inland from that Atlantic Ocean that consists of southern Missouri, northern Louisiana, eastern Oklahoma, and East Texas, Virginia, West Virginia, North and South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Tennessee, Kentucky, Mississippi, Arkansas. Although it is geographically close to the other regions previously discussed, this region is vastly different that other areas on the east coast. 

The subtropical weather in this area is relatively similar to South Gate's weather. In the Inland South, winters are mild, and summers are usually hot and humid. Although winters in this region are usually mild, the area may sometimes subjects to cold snaps and snow fall. 

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Due to its history, the Inland South has infamously been remembered as the forefront of American slavery. The South has for most of its time, been primarily based on agriculture. Although slavery in the Inland South was extremely popular, only a small percentage of Southerners owned large quantities of slaves. 
Although slavery did exist in California during the California Gold Rush in the late 1840's and 1850's, the slavery at the time was mostly based in Northern California. However, in the early 1840's, gold was found in the Southern California. Nevertheless, that discovery was on a much smaller scale and attracted little attention. (
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Following the abolishment of slavery after the Civil War, the South took a negative hit. Although slavery was no longer permitted, agriculture was still an essential part of Southern economy. With the use of cheap labor, the Inland South became on of the poorest regions in the U.S. That was until some Tertiary and Quaternary sectors began to pick up over the past fifty  years. The South as contained multiple military bases and instillation along with a the growth of tourism; with the bordering Great Smoky Mountains National park leading the way.   
(The Geography of North America).

The Coastal South

The Coastal South, also known as the Atlantic Coastal Plain, includes land that stretches from Virginia, all the way to the Mexican border. Within the region of the Coastal south lie parts of Virginia, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and all of Florida (The Geography of North America).

Credit to (The Geography of North America).
As one may be able to imagine, the Coastal South experiences very subtropical weather with long, hot, and rainy summers, and mild, wet winters. However, the areas closer towards the coast experience summer temperatures somewhat cooler than the areas further inland.

I think I would hate to live in an area like this. The people of L.A are completely soiled by their weather. Only on some occasions does it rain in the city, but in the Coastal South, rain fall is a constant occurrence. In addition to rain, what the worst part about it is, the hot, moist texture in the area. Although South Gate and the Coastal South do have similar weather, the Coastal South takes it to an entirely different level.   

Most of the soil in the Coastal South tends to be infertile and drainage is poor. In addition to that, the areas hot, and moist climate allow for a year-round harvest. The three most significant crops grown here are citrus fruit, sugarcane and rice. (The Geography of North America).
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This type of agriculture is not necessarily similar to the type of agriculture South Gate once had. In the Coastal South, although the soil might not be as rich as in other parts of the nation, they have the benefit of being able to grow crops throughout the year because of their year-round warm climate.

like the Inland South, the Coastal South also has its share of military bases located throughout the region.With the presence of military personal in the area, the demand for other services such as medical, housing  education, transportation among other, thus, creating more jobs.

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In addition agriculture and military bases, the Coastal South also draws a lot of tourists. Among numerous tourist attractions in the area, the site the most popular site in the area is the world-famous Disney World, in Florida. The theme park attracts millions of tourists annually and generates billions of dollars from money spent within the park,and its surrounding hotels, lounges, and restaurants. (The Geography of North America).

The Southern California region also plays host to a world-major attraction as well. From South Gate, all you have to do is catch the I-5 freeway south for about thirty minutes before reaching the Disney Land theme park. Being that both of these parks are Disney themed, they both serve as a major tourist attraction for their communities and make a pretty penny or two along the way.

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The Great Plains 

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The Great Plains region of the United States is composed of 12 U.S which include; Minnesota, Iowa, South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, and New Mexico. Along with the states, the region also included part the 3 Canadian provinces of Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. Although is may be implied, the area (particularly the weather) is surprisingly unpredictable. 

The weather in this area can be described as unpredictable from. Seasonal temperatures in this region  can go from extremely warn summers to shivering cold winter. Also, the time of droughts may be surprisingly interrupted by severe storms. Nevertheless, the climate in this area is relatively dry. 
Unlike the Great Plains, the weather in South Gate is pretty much predictable, although we may experience odd weather patterns from time to time. Like the Great Plains However, the weather here is usually pretty dry and warm. 

Also, many rivers cross through the Great Plains. The Missouri, Platte, Arkansas, Canadian, and Red Rivers all cross through the Great Plains from the Rocky Mountains and reaching the Mississippi River and the Gulf of Mexico. (The Geography of North America).
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Early settlers in this region were dependent on living along these rivers and hunting large animals. When the Europeans came to the Great Plains in the 16th century, they brought horses along with them which resulted in the natives no longer needing to live along the rivers. They were now able to travel more easily and follow the migrating bison. (The Geography of North America).

Agriculture has contributed to the Great Plains' economy throughout most of the 19th and 20th century. This region is also historically known for the infamous "Dust Bowl", which took place during the The Great Depression.
Where this relates to South Gate is that during the time of the Dust Bowl, several people from the Plains headed out to Southern California to find jobs out in the fields. Being that South Gate was once a agricultural town during the span of the Dust Bowl, it would not be surprising if a few "Okies" stopped by the city to find work.

Wheat has become the major crop of the Great Plains. The excessive production of wheat in this region is a major contribution to the U.S and Canada being the world leader in wheat exports.

Although the area is more popularly labeled as an agricultural region, the population is trying to transition into more of a urban lifestyle. The primary and secondary sector here is extremely important, however the tertiary and quarternary sectors make up over half of the Great Plain's employment. Teachers, county agents, police officers, social service workers, and other government employers outnumber farmers in many Plains communities (The Geography of North America). 

The cultural transition that the Great Plains is currently going through is one that South Gate has already gone through itself. When South Gate was first settled, it was also predominantly an agricultural area. Now, as time has gone by and with the influx of outsiders arriving into the city, it has successfully become a sub-urban community. 

The Rocky Mountains and The Intermontane West Regions

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The Rocky Mountains and the Intermontane West are two overlapping  regions which are located in the western portion of the U.S and spill into southern Canada. From New Mexico to southeast British Colombia, the mountain ranges in the Rockies nearly extend to some 2,000 miles and contain some of the highest peaks in the United States.  The Intermontane West region is found in between two major North American mountain ranges (which is where it gets its name); the Rockies to the east, and the Cascade and Sierra Nevada in the west. From east to west, this area stretches from the western portion of the Rockies to the western Sierra Nevada and Cascade mountain Ranges. From north to south, the region goes from central British Colombia, all the way down to Mexico. 
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The weather in this area is often thought to be cold, snowy and vigorous. Although this weather is present in the area, it is not always like this. For the majority of the year, the Rockies and Intermontane West usually experience a mild climate. Surprisingly, some areas in the region receive more sunlight in some parts of the year than sunny San Diego (The Geography of North America).  The elevation here is also a factor in determining the weather in some parts of the region. Places located in higher elevations are usually colder than those in lower elevations. In the summer, the weather here is warm during the day with cold and chilly nights. Cold and snowy days and nights in these regions are experienced during the winter months. 
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Historically, agriculture had been an integral part of the economy in both these regions. However, both regions are beginning to shy away from agriculture as there primary regional economy for their own reasons. 
In the Rockies, the harsh weather in the area has made it difficult to grow crops. In the Intermontane West, the drier climate and water becoming scarce, contribute to the region seeking to move into more tertiary and quarternary economic sectors. 
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The city of South Gate is much different from these two regions. They don't share much in common. First of all, South Gate's elevation is roughly symmetrical throughout the city, whereas the elevation in The Rockies and Intermontane regions vary due to mountains. Staying on the topic of elevation, the elevation is these two areas is much higher than the elevation of South Gate. Mt. Elbert which stands at an elevation of 14,443 ft. is the highest elevation point the Rocky Mountain region,  (The Geography of North America) while the elevation of South Gate is a measly 111 ft. ( Also, the weather experienced in the Rockies and Intermontane are much more severe in the winter and temperatures are subject to change depending on elevation. In South Gate, the weather is never severely cold like that of the Rockies or the Intermontane, and temperatures are pretty much the same throughout the city. 
Deer Valley Ski Resort. Park City, Utah (Intermontane West)
Credit to  (The Geography of North America)

As far as regional economy is concerned. The Rockies and Intermontane are similar to the previously discussed Great Plains region which first began as heavily reliant on agriculture, but are all trying to shift into more contemporary economic sectors. 



Credit to (The Geography of North America)
The Mex-America region of the United States is located along the United States-Mexican borders. This region consists of the large metropolitan areas that include Phoenix and Tucson Arizona, along with El Paso and San Antonio Texas.

This border region is highly different than the bordering region that separates Canada and the United States. It is relatively easy to distinguish the cultural lifestyle from the highly developed United States to the less developed  country of Mexico. Although the two countries are separated by a border, that doesn't mean that the people of Mexico don't carry over some of their culture into the states. This is were the Mex-America region is a lot like South Gate. In this region, there is a high density of Mexican families do the its proximity to Mexico. This is just like South Gate. Although the city is not necessarily a bordering city, it is still relatively close to the Mexican-American border.
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Along with the Hispanics who have moved into the Mex-America region, also comes their traditions. This region is described as distinctive place in North America with having Spanish and Indian place names, Spanish-like plaza towns, Mexican food, Spanish signs along the road, and numerous Roman Catholic Churches  (The Geography of North America). This sounds a lot like South Gate. If one were to travel from South Gate to Mex-America, they would feel right at home. Although, South Gate is a sub-urbanized city, one can still easily identify this city as a Hispanic-dominated community. Throughout the town, you will see Hispanics everywhere you go. Not only that, but you will see several small Mexican restaurants which serve those most popular and authentic Mexican dishes. One of the biggest factors in this city is also religion. The predominant religion which the majority of people in South Gate affiliate with is the Roman Catholic church. 
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Although Mex-America and South Gate are not geographically close together. They share a lot of similarities; the biggest being the presence of the Mexican culture in the area doe to the proximity to Mexico.

                                                                            via Youtube.

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Being that South Gate is located within the state of California, I will mostly discuss general concepts about the state itself.

When one hears the term California, an abundant amount of thoughts may come to mind. The state of California has established itself as one of the most unique places in all of the United States. The main components that make California such a special place are it's various climates and physical geography, and the regions economic sectors.

The weather in California is not constant throughout the state. The type of climate experienced here varies by location. Mediterranian climate with long hot summers with little or no rain along with cool winters with some precipitation is probably what best describes this regions weather. As previously mentioned, the weather here is not constant from top to bottom. Generally, the weather is determined by longitude, latitude, along with proximity to the Pacific Ocean. In most cases, the weather gets cold and more wet as you head up north and/or get closer to the ocean or mountains.

South Gate is located in Southern California within the Los Angeles county. The temperature hear is relatively warm and mild throughout the spring and summer, and gets a bit chilly as the fall and winter months approach. Precipitation here is not a common occurrence  However, as mentioned earlier, as you begin to travel further north, precipitation rates begin to rise while temperatures begin to drop as you get closer to the mountain ranges.

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Multiple economic sectors also contribute to the uniqueness of California.Natural resources along with fertile land to grow crops are present in different parts of the state. California is home to the nations leading agricultural county, the San Joaquin valley which produces more over 90% of the nations grapes.

Military defense industry has also become prevalent in California. Ever since the Japanese attack of Pearl Harbor during World War II, California has established numerous military bases throughout the state. The ongoing demand for military goods has created numerous jobs for some of the people living here.

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The fact that California has become a hot spot for newcomers has shaped the cultural lifestyle. In the early 1900's, California was home to only about 10,000 people but with the Gold Rush, The Great Depression, the weather, it's proximity to the Pacific and other nations, among other factors California has drawn in an influx of people. This has resulted in California having a urbanized lifestyle. Although this isn't for absolutely everyone here, with the more immigrants coming into the land, numerous 4-year universities, the introduction of more high-tech industries, together with other components, is making California rely more and more on its tertiary and quaternary sectors of economy.

Entertainment is another huge industry in California.Although this industry does have a large presence in the state, it is often misunderstood. People oftentimes affiliate California with Hollywood actors, pro-athletes, and other celebrities and believe that the entertainment industry plays a larger role in California than it actually does. The total number of Californians employed by the entertainment industry is less than 2%  (The Geography of North America). So from an economic standpoint, it doesn't contribute much. However, it creates this image and representation of what California is like to the outside world. 

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The people of South Gate witness a first-hand look of this misinterpretation. The world-famous cities of Hollywood and Down-town L.A are both no more than a half-hour drive from South Gate. Here in these cities, we see what messages are sent to the outside world. All the entertainment and luxurious lifestyles is what is wanted to be shown to the rest of the Earth. They want to give others the belief that this is what life is like in California. However, that is not the case. California is more than just an entertainment capital. It has become a melting-pot where hard working people form different backgrounds can come together and experience a unique life-style while attempting to create a better life for themselves.

The Pacific Northwest

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The Pacific Northwest region of the U.S is comprised of western Oregon, western Washington, British Columbia, the western Rockies, and southeastern Alaska.(The Geography of North America). It can be argued that this region of North America can withdraw from the United States due to its isolation from the rest of the nation. No matter where you in the region, you are confined by physical boundaries. To the west, the Pacific Ocean, to the south are the treacherous Klamath Mountains, to the east the Rockies and Cascade Mountain ranges, and to the north, numerous mountain ranges which separate British Columbia from the rest of Canada. 
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This region is similar to the previously discussed Rocky Mountains and the Intermontane West, as it includes mountainous ranges along the Pacific coast. The coastal mountain ranges in this are stretch along western edges of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska, which also create a boundary between the land and the ocean. The high mountains of western side block the traveling ocean winds from heading deep into the mainland. The result is heavy rain shadow conditions on the western portion of the Pacific Northwest, causing a variation a precipitation and climate patterns throughout the region, similar to that of California. 

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The land here is filled with an abundant of natural resources. As a result, when the first Euro-American settlers discovered these natural resources they land was quickly forested. Historically, lumbering, fishing, and agriculture has been a crucial part of the regional economy. In the state of Washington the "Apple Cup" is awarded to the winner of the rivalry football game between the states two major universities, Washington and Washington State. 

The city of Seattle, Washington
Credit to (The Geography of North America) 
Like many other parts of North America, this region also has begun to shift away from fishing and agriculture into more developed economies. Today, the economy in this region has become more diverse. Agriculture, lumbering, and fishing are still essential to region, however the rise of business franchises, tourism, and high-tech industries has depleted the areas smaller economies. For example, Starbucks has become a major trend in this region among other popular name franchises. Tourism has become popular in the areas of Oregon, Washington, British Columbia, and southeastern Alaska because a rising interest in backpacking, fishing, wild river rafting, and the regions beautiful scenery (The Geography of North America). The rise of high-tech industries such as Microsoft, Amazon, and Beoing is really changing the regions economy. The regions income per-person, beginning from northern California all the way up to southeast Alaska, has increased higher than in many other parts in North America. 

I don't really see how this region relates to South Gate, aside from some similar climate patterns and a agricultural past, they really share nothing in common. Although South Gate has developed into a modern-community, high-tech industries are not dominant in these areas. 


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We will conclude our tour around the United States, by visiting the ever so popular destination of Hawaii. Hawaii has grown to be known for its tropical beaches, palm trees, surfing, Hawaiian  shirts, pineapples, tropical flowers, volcanoes, and a rich culture among other things. The unique paradise atmosphere is what makes Hawaii such a popular destination and lures in people from throughout the world.

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The  island of Hawaii along with seven other islands create a chain of islands which is know as the Hawaiian archipelago island. These islands include Hawaii (The Big island), Kahoolawe, Maui, Lanai, Molokai, Oahu, Kauai, and Niihau. (The Geography of North America). 

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As one can assume, Hawaii has a tropical and warm climate with few environmental extremes. However, the temperature can vary due to different elevation and trade winds. Trade winds begin in the equator when the warm and moist air begin to rise. This air then travels at high elevations from east to west in sub-tropical oceans around the world. As the travels away from the equator, it begins to cool at high elevations before eventually falling on the subtropics. (The Geography of North America). 
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Two major economies for Hawaii are agriculture and Tourism. The mild-climate and rich volcanic soils makes it islands a great place to grow tropical crops, mainly pineapples and sugar canes. Both of these crops have been historically symbolic of the Hawaiian culture, especially the pineapple. However, since the post World War II era, production of both these crops has declined. Mainly because increase in labor cost, the decline of pineapple and sugar consumption, and an increase in competition. It is more convenient for the majority of the U.S  to get their pineapples and sugar from Louisiana and Florida because distance proximity and the cost. Now, Hawaii only accounts for less than a third of the U.S sugar cane output. (The Geography of North America). 

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Tourism is what Hawaii is most known for. Between September and November of 2005, over 2.2 million people traveled to Hawaii, 1.6 of the tourists coming from large urban cities such as Los Angeles and San Franciso. (The Geography of North America). These tourist stay in lovely resorts and hotels who are usually owned by multinational corporations. Much of the lower level jobs are filled with the natives. The popularity if tourism in Hawaii have also resulted in the rise of land value. Since more and more people want to live in land in the islands is scarce, prices for houses most go up which results in outsiders paying an excess amount of money to move into the islands.

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It is difficult to relate Hawaii to South Gate, or any part of the U.S really. The biggest relation I can make with Hawaii and South Gate, is that Hawaii is probably the third most popular vacation destination in the city. Being that South Gate is located in southern California, the distance and cost of going Mexico and Las Vegas is much more simple than having to save up more money and make extra plans for a visit to Hawaii.  Hawaii is not really seen as a homeland to its locals, but more as a vocational hot spot for those wanting to get away. I have never visited Hawaii, but I have heard wonderful things about it from the people who have visited. Although I may not be visiting Hawaii in the near future, it is definitely on my bucket-list!

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